We have many other healthcare professionals and administration staff, that support patients and staff.
Health Visitor
Mon - Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm
01674 667077
07824 537842
Our Health visitor provides advice and support on all aspects of health care for you and your family
Practice Pharmacist
We have a Pharmacist attached to the practice who works part time. She is available to discuss any queries regarding your medication, and may contact you about your medication.
District Nurses
01674 675115
We have a dedicated team of District Nurses who provide home nursing including cancer care.
01674 672554
Patients with a new muscle / joint problem can get an appointment the physiotherapy team without seeing a GP. Please ring the practice at the above number and an initial telephone appointment will be made for you to speak to a physiotherapist.
Practice Manager
Gordon Reid looks after the day to day running of the practice. Any non medical problems, suggestions or complaints should be addressed to him and NOT the reception staff.
Practice Reception and Administration staff
We have several members of our practice reception and administration staff. They will answer the phone, arrange prescriptions, type letters, contact patients, liaise with hospital etc. They can be very busy, especially at certain times of day, so we thank you for your patience.